
All she wants for Christmas...

Emily lost her second front tooth at school today. She burst through the front door and said "Mom. I lost. my tooth. at school. today." That's how seven-year-olds talk by the way. I was pretty excited (Dave & I have wanted to yank that thing out for a while now, but Em would have nothing to do with that) so naturally, my next question was "how did it come out?"

And I am not kidding here. This was her answer:

"This boy that sits at my table, Mason, punched himself in the face and then he told me to do the same thing and when I did my tooth came right out!"

So umm Emily, if Mason told you to jump off the roof...*sigh* never mind.

I decided to save the lectures for another time. After all, thanks to that little dork, we don't have to look at the snaggletooth anymore. Thanks Mason.

So I have a blog.

Big deal. Who doesn't have a blog, right? My brother has a blog, my husband has a blog, my aunt has a blog. And let me go on record here as saying that I LOVE blogs. I read a ton of them. I know, I know, this in no way means I'm qualified to publish a blog but I've been toying with the idea for a good, long time and I've decided to give it a go. I promise I will try not to bore and I will try not to induce eye-rolling.

My blog will have no defined theme. If you're looking for, oh I don't know, let's just say, DIY biotech posts such as How to isolate amniotic stem cells from the placenta, at home!, (wow!) do NOT look here. As the header above quite succinctly puts it, this is merely the unorganized thoughts of a hopelessly absent-minded woman. Nothing more.

Now then, if I have succeeded in sufficiently lowering your expectations....read on.