Tomorrow, Dave and I will be participating in the
Pacific Shoreline event in Huntington Beach. He in the half marathon and I in the 5K run/walk (more walk than run, for me). On Friday afternoon we went down to the expo to pick up our race bibs, time chips, t-shirts, etc. It was a beautiful day and I wanted to take a picture but lacked a camera so I took out my cell phone and snapped this shot of the pier. It's grainy and the color isn't true, but this will be our view while we run/walk tomorrow:

This view definately doesn't suck.
People, if you can manage it, I highly recommend daytime dates with your love over the evening versions. We took three hours out of our afternoon and headed down to the beach. We had a GREAT lunch at
The Longboard on Main St., browsed around the Farmer's Market and Art-a-Faire, walked down to the expo to take care of our race business
and took advantage of some amazing deals on nomally ridiculously-expensive racing clothes/gear. We did all of this without having to get a babysitter. And we still had the rest of the day/evening to get some work done, hang with the kids*, etc. We both agreed that it was some of the nicest alone time we've had in a while. I'm going to venture to say that it would've bordered on perfect if we'd indulged in a couple margaritas with lunch. But hey, now we have room for improvement.
*One of which spent her afternoon & evening cultivating a
fever and vomitting extravaganza! See, the 'sitter would've been really pissed if we tried to go out that night.
Oh and, Go COLTS! Ok, I really don't care, it just felt like I should end with something Super Bowlish.